Xbox 360 – Why Does Xbox Keep Signing Out?


Whenever I start a game, from both the disc and hard drive, my Xbox will say "Username signed out". What's wrong and how do I fix it? Just to be clear, it signs me out when I start a game. How can I stop this?

Best Answer

It sounds like you've refused an Xbox Live Update at some point.

You can go into your system options and see if there's an update available.

To check for an update on the Xbox 360 you basically force a new Xbox Live connection:

  1. Press the Guide button (center logo button), bringing up the pop-up menu
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Select System Settings
  4. Select Network Settings
  5. Select Wired Network or the name of your wireless network if you're on wifi
  6. Select Test Xbox Live Connection
  7. Select Yes if prompted to update. If you're not prompted and the test completes successfully, you have the most recent update.

You can also get console updates on the 360 through game discs with them, USB drives, or CDs and DVDs burned with the updates, but the above instructions are by far the easiest and should apply to most cases.

To check for an update on the Xbox One (since it has the same problem):

  1. Go to the Home screen
  2. Press the Menu button (where the "start" button is on other systems)
  3. Select "Settings" from the popup menu
  4. Select "System"
  5. Select the update option if it's available. It will say "No update available" if you're offline or you have the newest update.

Source: The xbox support system and personal experience

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