Xbox – Why were the Microsoft points taken away and the money refunded


I recently bought 1500 points from Microsoft with my credit card. I had 440 before, so then I was at 1940. I then spent 1600 on some DLC, bringing it down to 340.

As usual, there was a charge on my card for X amount of money, but today when I checked my bank balance I found that Microsoft gave me back exactly this amount.

Then I went to my Live account and found out that I have 0 points left.

Surely, 340 points isn't worth that amount of money, and I don't know why Microsoft would take my points away and refund me. Has anyone had this kind of situation happen to them before? Why could this have happened?

Best Answer

Did they refund the cost of all 1500 points or just 340? If you spent most of the points and they refunded the cost of all 1500 I wouldn't say anything -- just go buy some more points and enjoy somewhat-free DLCs. This might not be the honest thing to do, but MS can't do anything about it since the money was already refunded to your credit card.

If you were just refunded the cost of 340 points then they probably had a problem with Live or maybe some kind of big update to their store system, which made them give a refund to everyone who used their debit card to buy points. (They can't refund points from a points card.) Try asking other people that use debit cards to buy points if they got refunds too.