Q: `extcodesize` is non-zero after `selfdestruct`


I ran into an EVM edge case. Is it correct that extcodesize(addr) is not zero, after calling selfdestruct on addr in the same transaction?

This behavior seems strange and I could not find any documentation on it.

Best Answer

I was able to reproduce your issue with the following code on Remix (You can check the different behavior between calling extcodesize in the same tx or in a subsequent one)

pragma solidity ^0.8.10;

contract Test {
    SelfDestruct instance;
    constructor() {
    function redeploy() public {
        instance = new SelfDestruct();    
    function killInstanceAndGetCodeSize() public returns (uint256) {
        return getCodeSize();
    function killInstance() public {
    function getCodeSize() public view returns (uint256 codeSize) {
        address addr = address(instance);
        assembly {
             codeSize := extcodesize(addr)

contract SelfDestruct {
  function kill() public {

The reason for that behavior can be explained by looking at the geth implementation of selfdestruct.

// The account's state object is still available until the state is committed, // getStateObject will return a non-nil account after Suicide.

This is actually a logical behavior, as you have to take the possibility of reverts into account, plus you cannot leave another contract in an unstable state in the middle of a transaction if you decide to self-destruct. Until the state is committed, the self-destructed contract is still fully accessible.

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