Pathfinder 2e – Can New Dragon Types of Wyrmblessed Be Used for Other Character Options


Wyrmblessed Bloodline introduced primal and imperial dragons, with new damage types like piercing and negative.

Can they be used for example in the Kobold Breath ancestry feat or Dragon Instinct of Barbarians?

Best Answer

Yes (for PFS)

As SpearCarrier.no2's answer mentions, PFS has issued campaign clarification allowing players to select these options for characters with similar draconic connections to the wyrmblessed bloodline.

While it does not call out Kobolds specifically though, I do think they would count just as the draconic bloodline, or draconic instinct would.

Outside PFS, no.

The Kobold Ancestry states:

Choose a type of chromatic or metallic dragon to be your exemplar.

Primal and Imperial dragons are not chromatic or metallic.

Barbarian's Dragon Instinct states:

Select a type of dragon from Table 3–4: Dragon Instincts to be your instinct's dragon type.

Primal and Imperial Dragons are not listed on that table, nor are there any rules for adding such to the list of available instincts.

With PFS's note though, it'd be simple to houserule it working the same way.