GM Techniques – How to Convince Players the Fight Wasn’t Rigged


I am a DM in a homebrew setting (and system) that I made. We recently started the first big quest and it kicked off with them fighting two enemies.

In the fight, they were going to lose, but through the use of clever strategy managed to cause the enemies to use up most of their resources too. They were then saved by an important plot NPC. When this happened, they got extremely angry and claimed that the fight was rigged and their actions didn't matter at all (this wasn't true and I had a plan for them winning the fight). They then said that it should have been a cutscene and now when I give them a fight they sarcastically ask "are we meant to win this?"

What do I do as it's really annoying?

Best Answer

You don't, because the fight was rigged.

In comments PixelMaster asked if the players "couldn't really lose" and your response was "yeah, basically." The party might have won honestly, or your plot-NPC was going to come by and ensure victory--that's rigging the fight.

To be clear: GMs rig fights all the time, and there's nothing inherently wrong with it. But I think it's important that you be honest with yourself, first, and your players about what happened.

So... what now?

Talk honestly with your players. Something along the lines of

Hey, I'm sorry about that first fight. I hadn't intended it to be so challenging for the party, I'd always intended the NPC to show up (for $reason) but didn't foreshadow it well, and now we've got this untrusting dynamic going on. Maybe you're just joking, but it makes me feel like something's fundamentally not working in this game when combats start with meta-commentary about whether you're supposed to win. Can we take ten minutes just to talk about yours and my expectations for combat, what I can do better, and how you can help me?

And in the future, you'll be a little less clumsy about letting the players see the rigging--it's all good learning experience.