Is there any way to get Shield Block reaction through a class or ancestry feat


I want Shield Block reaction for a Kobold Barbarian. If the feat works for more builds, it is even better.

Is it possible to get Shield Block through a class or ancestry feat?

I found Viking Weapon Familiarity, but it requires Viking Dedication. 2 feats are a steep price, is there anything simpler?

Best Answer


There is (currently) no way for a Kobold to gain Shield Block without spending a General Feat on it, except for Viking Weapon Familiarity, as you've noted.

As always, it's hard to prove a negative. But I have searched both Shield Block and General Feat through all the class and other Archetypes and Ancestries, as well as for options that would allow a Kobold to dip into a second Ancestry, like Halflings can.