This answer is going to come off as extremely negative. Unfortunately that is my best analysis of the class. So before I get into I want to say; I love the theme of what you were going for. A patron that could be a level 20 character from a previous campaign is great. I also don't want to discourage you from homebrewing stuff in general, this class has a lot of issues though and I felt it was necessary to point them out.
This is unbalanced and breaks the style of warlock patrons
This patron makes such a departure from the typical structure of a warlock patron that it is somewhat difficult to assess in balance terms. My gut says it is very over-powered and I will try to go through each feature to explain why. Note; this analysis is focused on comparing it to other patrons not the entire warlock class.
Expanded Spell List
A standard feature of warlock patrons that you have re-interpreted, both in good and bad ways. Overall your version is overpowered and needs to be fixed.
Spell List As Spells Known
The PHB patrons get access to 2 spells of each level from 1st to 5th. They are simply added to the spell list and do not add to spells known. The celestial and hexblade patrons from XGtE only get access to 1 spell of each level but they still do not count as known spells.
Expanding the spells known of the warlock is completely against the design of all other patrons. This part of the feature is completely broken and needs to be removed.
@illustro points out that as worded this does not add additional spells known but instead forces the warlock to learn those spells. If this is the case then this feature is actually extremely weak, far worse than any of the other patron spell list options.
Choice of spell list
The choice of three different lists based on the spellcasting class of the patron is a cool thematic choice. However all three lists contain spells that are already available to the base warlock. The warlock list is worse than useless, while major image from the wizard list and banishment from the sorcerer list are already available to warlocks.
I would like to see this feature remain but it needs work on the spells chosen. I would drop the warlock list and a add bard, and/or druid list instead.
Lesser Mystic Arcanum
Nope. This feature is entirely broken. At 9th level your warlock has an additional 5 spell slots per day above and beyond their typical 3 per short rest. Not all warlock spells benefit from up-casting and having them in lower level slots does not sufficiently reduce their power. Giving this many additional spells is way, way stronger than anything any of the other patrons give at this level or at any level.
There is no point even comparing this to the other patrons in detail. In summary it is very overpowered and needs to be removed entirely.
Strategic Spell
This one isn't too bad. Rogues and monks already have access to this feature. However it does go against the normal style of the warlock. Apart from the celestial patron every other patron grants a once per short rest ability not an always on feature. By not being limited to pact slots this feature works on cantrips and is therefore infinite.
To answer your follow up questions, removing Dash makes no real difference, Disengage and Dash are about equal. And no; you absolutely should not include Dodge. Dodge is way stronger than either of the others, there is a reason rogue's cunning action does not include it.
This feature is likely a little overpowered due to unlimited uses, but only when compared to the other warlock patrons. Overall this feature is not game-breaking given you should be at range anyway.
Eldritch Weave
At first this one seems ok, but it is likely overpowered. Gaining temporary hitpoints is very similar to the Celestial Resistance feature of that patron, though that one allows you to also protect other creatures.
The issue with this feature is the additional feature: "your concentration cannot be broken until you lose all of these temporary hit points". This is extremely strong. Spellcasters typically take entire feats (War Caster, Resilient (Con)) just to buff their concentration checks. Your feature is negating them entire for a minute.
Yes, this benefit ends early if you get hit enough. But, at a minimum of 20HP and increasing every level this will take a few rounds. Assuming you are concentrating on some disabling spell like hold person or similar it might be impossible for the enemy to deal enough damage to break this before your party takes out your target.
This feature is overpowered and should be changed.
Greater Mystic Arcanum
If the early version of this feature wasn't so utterly unbalanced this would almost be fine. However; it isn't, and neither is this. At will hex at 14th level, then suggestion at 18th level is very powerful.
In fact this feature is exactly eqivilent to the 18th level Spell Mastery feature of the wizard, barring some flexibility. No other patron gets a feature anything like this. Several only get a single once per long rest ability.
At will casting of leveled spells is normally restricted to Eldritch Invocations. Allowing it in addition to those completely breaks the style and design of the Warlock. This is utterly unbalanced and needs to be removed.
Scrap the whole thing. The features are almost all overpowered and don't suit the style of the Warlock at all. Any one of the features (bar Strategic Spell) would be enough to make this class overpowered. Added together this is completely busted.
You are adding flexibility by increasing spells known with your 1st level features, and you are increasing overall power level by giving out way more spell slots. This Warlock is so much better than the others there is almost no reason to look at them unless you want to be a melee fighter.
Back to the drawing board for this one.
Surprisingly, this is slightly underpowered, though quite similar to the Lore Mastery subclass, which I will compare it to. Compared to the PHB classes only, however, it is balanced.
Borrowing Threads: This is far worse than Lore Mastery, which can change the damage types of any spell at will, and gets expertise in 4 skills, can use INT for initiative, and can change a saving throw, all at level 2.
Reweaving Techniques: You get access to counterspell at level 5, so it is balanced to give a once per long rest improved version of it. Similar to rogue spell thief, but more powerful as you are a full caster, not a third caster.
Correct Misthreadings: This is actually fairly weak, as you still use another spell slot, so all you are saving is an action. Compare this to the Lore Master, who by this time can prepare any spell they know as a bonus action, hit enemies a mile away, or increase their DC by 2. I would rather use my familiar or my allies to impose disadvantage on my enemies saves then spend another spellslot with another risk of failure.
Pieces of the Tapestry: This is on par with the Lore Mastery's ability. They get to cast any spell from any spell list once per long rest. You only get that for cantrips, but you can do it thrice per long rest, and can also get magic resistance or a free 6th level spell.
Recommended Language clarifications
- You should make it clear if spells cast by you/your allies count for
the Borrowing Threads feature.
- I would also make it so the Pieces of the Tapestry cantrip makes you
know that cantrip until the next long rest if that is not what is
already intended to do, as otherwise casting a cantrip once is
underwhelming compared to the other options. This would be on par
with the Artificers 10th level Right Cantrip for the Job feature.
Best Answer
This is unbalanced and badly designed
The second level feature of this gives you the option to cast any spell from a cleric or druid spell list. There's no need to look at any of the other features: this in itself is undermining the class balance in such a fundamental way that this subclass is unbalanced.
The selection of spells you have access to is one of the defining features of spellcasting classes. There are ways this may be softened in very limited ways (like the Bards ability to learn a handful of spells of other classes, which is one of its strongest features, or the cleric's domain spell which can in some cases give them access to non-cleric spells). But there is no precedent of giving wizards with their already large spell selection access to all spells of another class in that way, for a reason: its against the game's design to make the classes distinct.
The DMG even advises against this explicitly, on page 283:
This is not adding a healing spell, it is adding all of them, along with raising the dead and all the other things that are the domain of divine casters.
The sixth level feature then goes on to give you metamagic and as many sorcery points as a sorcerer has. These are the main defining features of yet another class, and to balance having them, sorcerers have a much narrower selection of spells known, not the huge wizard list with the ability to prepare any. This also, just by itself would be broken, and in combination with gaining all spells from the cleric lists is utterly ridiculous.
Maybe, when looking at these homebrew subclasses, ask yourself: does this look too good to be true? If it does, it probably is.