DND 5E – Is the Subclass Found on Dungeon Master’s Guild Balanced?


I found this "The Dropout" wizard subclass on Dungeon Master's Guild, and at first glance, it seems overpowered, as it gives abilities no other subclasses do. Note: this is a pay-what-you-want product.

Here is a summary:

2nd level:

  • Scrappy Scholar:
    • This is like the "X Savant" features that the PHB subclasses get, but for all schools
  • Partially Educated:
    • You learn 2 spells from your choice of the Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, or Wizard spell lists, which can be cantrips.
    • You can copy spells from the previously listed spell lists into your spellbook, and when you do, they count as wizard spells for you.

6th level:

  • Class Audit:
    • You get your choice of Potent Cantrip (From Evoker), Extra Attack (one of your attacks can be a cantrip) (From Bladesinger), or Benign Transportation (From Conjurer).

10th level:

  • Alternative Education:
    • As Partially Educated, but with Warlock, Ranger, or Paladin.

14th level:

  • Ability Score Improvement:
    • This is a normal ASI.

This seems OP because by 10th level, this wizard will have access to every spell. This means that they would potentially treading on the toes of other spellcasters. Also, I'm aware that this character would be able to pick cure wounds as their at-will spell at 18th level. However, this was already possible with Mark of Healing from E:RftLW, so I don't think this is a significant problem with this subclass.

Best Answer

Not particularly balanced, no.

2nd level features:

  • Scrappy Scholar is strictly better than anyone else's "Savant" feature
  • Partially educated is like getting a Bard's magical secrets at level 2 (instead of 6 or 10), and it doesn't even say it needs to be a level you can cast. So you could take a 3rd level cleric spell (I'm looking at you spirit guardians), and just wait till you have the spell slots to cast it. Then it gets even more nuts if you can find spell books or scrolls to augment this feature. This is likely also better than anything else any other wizard gets.

6th level features:

  • Class audit is just "Pick the best out of 3" which is objectively stronger than any of the 3 on their own. As you get the choice. The only argument against this is that another school offers something better. So this is at least above average.

10th level features:

  • Alternative Educated: Let's not pretend that this isn't just magical secrets #2. What this is looking like is someone really liked playing a Bard-Wizard multiclass and said, what if I got everything without multiclassing?

14th level features:

  • ASI (or feat if you're playing like that, which I think most do), are we doing fighter impressions now? ASI is on par or better than anything given to other wizards at this level.

The point is that if it's objectively better than all the other wizards, it's probably not balanced. That's not to say that you couldn't play it in a balanced way, say by making sub-optimal spell choices, but it would seem silly for most wizards to chose any other subclass. Also, if a dropout ends up doing better than most of the ones who stayed in school, what kind of message does that send to the children?

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