[RPG] a “build” in the D&D/Pathfinder family of games


Over in another question, I ran into some communication breakdown with another person because we didn't have a shared understanding of what the term "build" meant. Basically, the asker understood a character's "build" to include items and equipment and some others did not.

In the wider D&D and Pathfinder community, is there a generally agreed definition of what constitutes a character's "build"? If so, what is that definition?

Best Answer

Your build includes any and every mechanical option that is relevant to its functioning the way you intend it to. In short, “build” means what you say it means.

If you say that your build doesn’t care what weapon you use, then the choice of weapon is not part of the build.

If you say your build requires a melee weapon of some sort, that is part of your build, but which particular melee weapon is not.

If you say your build needs a melee weapon with reach, then that is part of your build, but any number of polearms can fit the bill.

If you say your build needs a holy avenger specifically, then that is part of your build, and finding one becomes a requirement for someone interested in playing that build. Someone suggesting something so specific should probably include discussion on how to accomplish that (most likely through out-of-game agreement with the DM), but ultimately even if they don’t, that just makes it a difficult suggestion to use, not an invalid one.

If you say your build absolutely relies on this one particular tactic and everything you are building towards revolves around 1. ensuring you’ll be able to do that thing and 2. capitalizing when you do it, then even your tactics can be part of the build. That might be as simple as just ensuring you can always grapple things no matter how big, strong, or magically-protected they are, to something as specific as the Black Tactica war weaver–counter-nuking build, to something as convoluted as a particular approach to Pun-pun ascension.

Your build includes all those details you feel you need to include in order to make the build function as intended.

Anyone telling you that any part of what you consider to be part of your build, is not actually part of what is covered by the word “build,” is quite simply wrong.

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