[RPG] a dice pool mechanic


A very basic question, I know. What is a dice pool mechanic and how is it different from a roll vs. target number mechanic?

Best Answer

In a "dice pool," one considers each die individually, rather than as a collection of components to be summed. As an example, an attack in the HERO System might do 8d6 damage; to resolve it, you'd roll eight six-sided dice and add them up to produce a number between 8 and 48. In a die pool system, you might see how many of the dice showed a 5 or a 6 on the top face, and count those as "successes" toward a benchmark.

Rolling vs. a target number can be used in both die pool systems and otherwise. In HERO, for example, you roll 3d6 and sum them, trying to stay below 11 (or an otherwise modified target). In Deadlands, you use your die pool and select the highest rolled die, comparing it with a target number modified by the difficulty of the task at hand.