World of Darkness – Canon Camarilla-Aligned Tzimisce Characters


There are many examples of Lasombra antitribu. But are there Tzimisce antitribu? I am interested only in canonical characters, preferably those with character sheets. I know that it is mentioned as possible (even though very rare), but I do not know any examples.

Best Answer

The best answer is this:

There are no Tzimisce antitribu.

The vast majority of the Tzimisce belong squarely to the Sabbat; the rest are apolitical. There aren't even a bare handful of Tzimisce in the Camarilla, and those few are only there for personal reasons, and tend to leave once their objectives are completed. The presence of the Tremere virtually guarantees that the Tzimisce have no interest in remaining. Although a scant few individual members may join temporarily, it cannot be said that there is enough of an ideological difference, or enough members to declare an antitribu bloodline.

This is from unofficial white wolf wiki, but official book "Guide to Camarilla" from revised edition says exactly the same on page 53:

If there are a half-dozen Tzimisce in the Camarilla, it would be a major surprise. The vast majority of the clan belongs to the Sabbat; the rest are apolitical in the extreme. The very presence of the Tremere in the sect guarantees that the Tzimisce have no interest in signing on. Those very, very few Tzimisce who have deigned to join forces with the Camarilla have done so for intensely personal reasons (say, to avenge mortal insult or to use the Camarilla to dispose of a rival in the Sabbat. However, even under these dire circumstances the Camarilla`s few Tzimisce do not advertise their presence, do not take leadership roles in the sect and do not tend to stick around once their personal objectives are accomplished.

When you are speaking of "Tzimisce antitribu", you mean "Camarilla". No, it can only be a super rare temporary alliance. And the Old Clan has no connections to Camarilla. Check Hedeon Yaroslavich, for example. Of cause, the golden rule of storytelling applies here... But just don't do it. There are many interesting ways and stories, much better then "let's imagine Tzimisce antitribu".

And - nope, I haven't seen any such canonical characters.