[RPG] Are ability scores above 20 possible without magical means


Is there any way to have ability scores above 20 without having magical items? Or is this the only way?

Background of why question was asked:
I guess if it is, it is then up to the DM to decide when players can go above 20. Unless there are spells I do not know that can create magical items that increase abilities so characters could make themselves magical items that increase abilities.

The reason I ask is if there is away to increase beyond 20 without the DM allowing it, i.e. character progression and choice.

Best Answer

The only way (currently) to increase your ability scores above 20 without using magic is to be a level 20 Barbarian. At level 20, the Barbarian gets a feature that increases their Strength and Constitution by 4 each, and raises the cap on Strength and Constitution to 24 instead of 20.