[RPG] Are there any magical contraceptive birth control options available


I'm GMing a game with a bunch of spellcasters who want to be sexually promiscuous but don't want to be pregnant or make babies. The players'/PCs preference both for fun and flare is to establish methods of contraception using magic on themselves, their sexual partners or each other (but not as partners).
The spellcasters + level include:

  • Bard 4
  • Druids 3 and 4
  • Warlock 5
  • Paladin 5 who won't be casting on themself but might be convinced to cast on others
  • Sorcerer 3

They will all level up intermittently over the next two sessions and will have access to fresh spells accordingly. We're playing a lighthearted, at times silly, campaign (as you can see here and here) and we like to adhere to RAW and published material in the core books, as well as Xanathar's Guide to Everything, as those are the books most available to the players.

To provide some context, we've decided on some ground rules around this: no abortions, no graphic descriptions, no PC-to-PC relations and no non-consensual sexual acts. Also if any player gets uncomfortable with the way the game is going they can call a group convo at any time to revisit the decision to allow this. Additionally consequences will be real: disease (Lesser Restoration makes this a non-issue), pregnancy, and unknowns.


Are there any magical contraceptive birth control options available for PCs of any gender in D&D?

I am interested in D&D 5e spells, potions, magical items or other magical effects that could be used to stop conception from occurring. I am not interested in ending a viable birth before term.

If there are no spells for this purpose are there any that you have used as such?

Best Answer

Bestow Curse

It's a 3rd level spell with two possible anti-breeding abilities that could be made permanent.

Ability Score Reduction

Choose one ability score. While cursed, the target has disadvantage on Ability Checks and Saving Throws made with that ability score.

Set it to charisma and you significantly lower the chances of unwanted pregnancy.

Alternative Curse Effect

Joking aside, you could house rule a separate application of Bestow Curse - Infertility.

At the GM’s option, you may choose an alternative curse effect, but it should be no more powerful than those described above.

There are many examples of curses in medieval lore that remove a kings ability to create progeny, or a witch that forces a noble woman to be barren until amends are made.

In this case "Infertility" would not garnish any statistical combat advantage or influence any rolls, and thus could be argued is significantly less powerful than the other specified effects of the spell.

It would be thematically appropriate for a medieval fantasy world and wouldn't require you to bend over backwards to slip in a house rule application.

Also, if bestow curse is made permanent in this regard - a storyline can be put together to remove the curse later once the party is done with their carousing shinanigans.

After Note on Mechanics: Things could get "interesting" before the caster reaches at least 9th level to use a 5th level spell slot. At lower levels it suffers from a concentration requirement and limited duration. This may result in required concentration check at appropriate moments and/or the caster being in the room to precisely apply the contraceptive measures at the correct timing to the desired target.