[RPG] Are there any specific non-magical ways to create areas of heavily obscured vision


Inspired by this comment which states that beholders can't use eye rays in heavily obscured areas I started thinking that things like fog cloud would be cleared by their anti-magic eye which would limit the benefit.

So, is there any way that a similar effect to fog cloud can be created that will not be suppressed in an anti-magic field?

I am not looking for creative DM fiat answers (Like creating water on top of a bonfire cantrip) just things that are specifically covered within the rules (Such as a non-magical potion of fog if such a thing were to exist).

Note: Other things that obscure vision such as darkness are not what this question is about. Fog cloud is physically obscuring vision so darkvision etc would not be of benefit. The solutions need to come up with similar physical impediments.

Best Answer

Smoke grenades

In Chapter 9 of the DMG, explosives are introduced as option for the DM to allow in their game. One such explosive is the smoke grenade which is completely mundane and creates a heavily obscured area:

One round after a smoke grenade lands, it emits a cloud of smoke that creates a heavily obscured area in a 20-foot radius.

This seems to be the only concrete case of a defined, non-magical technique to create a heavily obscured area currently in the rules.

Note that this is an optional thing that cannot be assumed to exist in every game. Ask your DM if they'll allow it (or some modification of the idea).

Unearthed Arcana: Smoke Stick

There is one option outside the currently released rules in the Alchemist subclass of the Artificer Unearthed Arcana class.

Smoke Stick. As an action, you can reach into your Alchemist’s Satchel and pull out a stick that produces a thick plume of smoke. You can hold on to the stick or throw it to a point up to 30 feet away as part of the action used to produce it. The area in a 10-foot radius around the stick is filled with thick smoke that blocks vision, including darkvision. The stick and smoke persist for 1
minute and then disappear. After using this formula, you can’t do so again for 1 minute.

This is not a piece of equipment though, but a class feature. However, it does provide another rule option (albeit in playtest form) that indicates how creating non-magical smoke would/could work.