[RPG] Are there any spells that make your character younger


I want to have a character whose a child however your character has to be an adult by Pathfinder rules so i am currently looking for a spell that reduces a characters age. I am aware of spells like reincarnation which makes your character a young adult but i am looking for one that makes your character a child. I am looking for something Pathfinder society legal.

Best Answer

Pathfinder Society has strict rules about how effects are handled, which prevent any spell-based strategy from working permanently. In PFS play, non-harmful spell effects cannot last between scenarios:

All spells and effects end at the end of a scenario with the following exceptions: [healing spells, harmful effects, and four specific spells]

That’s pages 25–26 of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide. Since childhood age is not a harmful spell effect, you’ll lose any age change effect from a spell at the end of every scenario where you manage to acquire it. And since permanency is banned in PFS, there’s no way to avoid losing it.

Furthermore, any permanent childhood effect — from spells or otherwise — would make the character’s age illegal. (PFSRGG, p. 7) Any character that is illegal at the end of a scenario must be reported as dead (p. 23):

An unplayable character should be marked as dead when reporting the session.

So no matter the way you slice it, trying to make a character permanently break the age rules for PFS is a losing proposition.

The only way you could manage it is by having a temporary effect that you could resolve before the end of every scenario — this would let you start and end each scenario as a character of legal age. Acquiring such an ability may be prohibitively difficult though — perhaps impossible within PFS rules.

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