[RPG] Are there mechanical reasons for a Cleric to use their deity’s favored weapon over another one


There are a number of deities that have low-damaging weapons as their favored weapon, like daggers and gauntlets. Sharess for example has the Claw Bracer as her favored weapon, which according to the Arms and Equipment guide deals a meager 1d4 damage.

Compared to other weapons like the heavy mace, the longspear and the morningstar and their 1d8 damage this is a pittance. Additionally, these are simple weapons and do not require an Exotic Weapon feat to be able to use them, like a Claw Bracer is.

Are there any mechanical reasons for the Cleric to use a less-damaging but deity-favored weapon over a weapon that deals more damage?

I am aware that the PHB (strangely not the SRD though) mentions that it is a "point of pride", but this is not a hard limitation.

Best Answer

A deity's favored weapon is mostly flavor. Clerics can use whatever weapons they want, regardless of them being a favored weapon of their deity. There are a couple of mechanical effects for a deity's favored weapon though.

  1. Clerics of the War domain receive Martial Weapon Proficiency and Weapon Focus for their deity's favored weapon if they do not already have it. This only applies to weapons that require Martial Weapon Proficiency. Simple weapons, such as a quarterstaff, are already in a Cleric's proficiency, and exotic weapons such as a claw bracer still require you take Exotic Weapon Proficiency. You still receive Weapon Focus as a bonus feat regardless of the nature of the weapon.

  2. The spell spiritual weapon summons either your deity's favored weapon or a weapon with a spiritual connection to you. Spiritual weapons all do the same damage, but retain the threat range and critical multipliers of their shape.

  3. The Clr spell weapon of the deity (Spell Compendium 237) grants the caster's weapon special abilities based on the deity the caster worships if the weapon the caster wields is the deity's favored weapon.

Favored weapons are used mostly as a roleplaying device. Warriors of a particular deity might be discouraged by their church from using weapons other than their deity's preferred weapon, for example. There is no mechanical penalty or benefit (other than the two listed) unless the DM creates one through storytelling.

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