[RPG] Are there monsters who have attacks that can reduce ability scores


In D&D 4e are there monsters who have attacks that can reduce ability scores? In previous versions Wights used to lower your CON or STR score, other monsters could lower INT/WIS, are there any monsters in 4e that do those types of attacks?

Best Answer

No, ability score damage isn't in 4e

Checking the final version of the online compendium, there's no glossary entry or text reference to ability score damage or drain, which is a pretty good indicator that it's completely absent. I've not manually checked every monster, but this confirms my personal experience of running 4e for about 10 years, and my understanding of this edition's design goals.

For better or worse, ability score damage just does not blend well with the kind of game 4e wants to be, so it was omitted from this edition. It's notably the same for level drain, spell drain, and similar "change your baseline so you have to re-calculate everything on the fly" effects.

(Likewise permanent versions of these effects. 4e is very focused on keeping the party in balance with one another, and one character losing stats or levels forever could easily compromise that.)

4e-Style alternatives

You mentioned healing surge drain as a replacement. Often, classic monsters which traditionally drain levels or ability scores have a similarly-themed debuff effect in 4e. For example, monsters that used to do dex damage might get a slow or immobilise effect, monsters that used to damage strength might impose an attack penalty or a weakened condition.

However, as a rule these won't be permanent—4e just doesn't roll that way. If the potential to deal permanent harm is important to you, a disease delivered during combat might be a closer equivalent.