[RPG] Are there official guidelines for a DM to change the alignment of a player’s character


Most players in my game chose various forms of Neutral for their character's alignment. However, in time, I notice that two of them are showing very clear signs of actually doing surprisingly good deeds (such as helping strangers, while risking their own life). For one of them in particular, a goliath Blood Hunter, changing from Chaotic Neutral to Chaotic Good could be an interesting change from a perspective of character development, considering his background and actions.

Are there official guidelines for a DM to change the alignment of a player's character? If so, where can I read up on this? I've looked around in the PHB and the DMG, but can't find more information than the sheer basics on the alignment of creatures (and the outer planes). Am I missing something or does Wizards of the Coast (intentionally) leave this up to the DM?

Note: I already have some ideas on how to do this in a subtle manner, but I'd like to understand the Rules As Written before possibly changing them.

Best Answer

There is only one piece of information specifically regarding alignment change in D&D 5e

The Deck of Many Things (DMG, 162) Balance card says

Your mind suffers a wrenching alteration, causing your alignment to change.

This essentially swaps alignment. LE becomes CG, for example. In the Blood Hunter's case, CN would become LN. This card is intended for huge changes in play style that majorly affect the game. Switching from one end of the spectrum to another is a much larger change than switching from neutral to good.

Is it left intentionally up to the DM/players?

On PHB page 122, there is a small section on alignment that says

For many thinking creatures, alignment is a moral choice. Humans, dwarves, elves, and other humanoid races can choose whether to follow the paths of good or evil, law or chaos.

And explains that the good deities who created such races intentionally gave them free will.

An article of Unearthed Arcana from 2015 called Variant Rules also explains that

Alignment is meant to serve only as a quick summary of a character, not a rigid definitions. It's a starting point, but elements such as flaws and bonds paint a much more detailed picture of a character's identity.

From this we can conclude that alignment is not rigid and can be changed, but that this change should be the choice of the PC, not the DM since they have the free will to make that moral choice. That being said, as the DM, you could suggest an alignment change, or advise them that they are playing more CG than CN (once you know their intentions).

What are the affects of an alignment change?

There are very few mechanical effects of an alignment change, but here are all that I can find. I won't give a description of it, but I will provide the page number to see for yourself.

Robe of the Archmagi DMG, 194

Talisman of Pure Good/Ultimate Evil DMG, 207

Sentient Artifacts: In some cases, only characters of the same alignment of the artifact are able to attune with it. DMG, starting 214

Death: When a character dies, they go to the plane of the deity they worship if applicable. If not, they go to the plane that corresponds with their alignment. So Arborea (CG) or Limbo (CN) for the Blood Hunter.