[RPG] Are there rules for switching between held items


I'm playing a bard that uses a viol but it takes 2 hands to play it so how would I be able to quickly switch between spellcasting focus and my weapons? Does it take extra time or does it not matter?

Best Answer


Yes, it takes time, but check the required components on the spells you're casting - it may not matter.

Focus & Hands

There is no requirement to actually play the musical instrument to use it as a bard spellcasting focus; the spellcasting rules only require you to hold a focus.

That said, if you're using a single-handed weapon without a shield, there's no reason for you to put the instrument away at all. You don't need both hands to cast with it, so you can keep a weapon in the other one. The rules allow using the same hand for somatic and material components for spells that require both, though if it has just somatic components, the hand must be empty.

A spellcaster must have a hand free to access a spell's material components -- or to hold a spellcasting focus -- but it can be the same hand that he or she uses to perform somatic components.

Object Interaction

Use An Object is normally an action, but certain situations allow you to do it while doing something else:

You normally interact with an object while doing something else, such as when you draw a sword as part of an attack. When an object requires your action for its use, you take the Use an Object action. This action is also useful when you want to interact with more than one object on your turn.

If you're using a two-handed weapon, or you're using a shield, you'll need to spend an action to put the instrument away (or drop it for free). There isn't another action that putting the instrument away could be part of, so you can't do it for free. On your next turn, you can then draw-and-attack.

Required Components

It's worth noting that quite a few bard spells do not have material components at all. Depending on what you're casting, you may not want to have your focus in hand to begin with - you can cast with an open hand one round, then draw-and-attack the next.

As an aside, because it affects somatic not material components, is the Warcaster feat. For a Valor bard, who may very well be using a shield, the ability to cast somatic component spells without putting a weapon away may be beneficial.