[RPG] Are your default racial traits suppressed when choosing the Doppelganger Character Secret in the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden adventure


The Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden adventure contains a list of possible Character Secrets in Appendix B. One of these possible secrets is "Doppelganger" (emphasis mine):

I’m a shapechanger. I have none of the traits of the race I’m
, but I retain my class features, background, and
alignment. I have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. I can use an
action to do either of the following at will:

  • I can innately cast detect thoughts, requiring no components. My
    spellcasting ability is Intelligence. The spell’s Wisdom save DC is 8 +
    my proficiency bonus + my Intelligence modifier.
  • I can polymorph into any humanoid I have seen or back into my true
    form. My statistics, other than my size, don’t change. Any equipment
    I’m wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. I revert to my true form
    when I die.

Does this mean that your default race's traits are nullified when selecting this Character Secret?

For instance, if that were the case, a Variant Human character with the "Doppelganger" character secret wouldn't have the +1 bonus to two ability scores, the extra skill proficiency & extra feat.

Best Answer

No. You have a race and its attendant traits, but present as a different race.

You have emphasized the relevant text. You have a race, so you use those traits, but you imitate another race, and don't use those traits.

It should be obvious that your player character is a member of some race: this is step 1 of character creation in the Player's Handbook. Further, this is assumed when the feature uses the phrase true form. The doppleganger character secret explains that you are imitating another race but don't have any of the racial traits of that race, so naturally, you retain the racial traits of your true form.

I'll use an example to explain the feature description.

I am Jimothy, a lawful-neutral Halfling barbarian with the Far Traveller background. This is what the other characters at the table know my character to be.

The secret is this: I am actually a Goliath. My character sheet would read like a Lawful-Neutral Goliath Barbarian Far Traveller, but I present to the party as a Lawful-Neutral Halfling Barbarian Far Traveller.

Note, it seems quite clear that this secret is not intended to use the Doppelganger monster stat block in any way. If it was, it would say so using the convention described in the intro:

When a creature’s name appears in bold type, that’s a visual cue pointing you to its stat block as a way of saying, “Hey, DM, you better get this creature’s stat block ready. You’re going to need it.” If the stat block appears in appendix C of this adventure, the text tells you so; otherwise, you can find the stat block in the Monster Manual."

The secret name is stylized identically to other secret names, and the word "doppelganger" appears only in the name of the secret, never in its description.