[RPG] Attract powerful creatures to kill then animate


Looking for creative ways to obtain powerful corpses to animate. My lvl5 necromancer can animate 44HD, but has a hard time finding worthy corpses.

So far I found the druid spell Call Animal that can force a Colossal Immense Turtle to come to you. It's the biggest animal I know. We just have to kill it and here's the corpse ! Pretty cool and hard to dispute, but limited to animals, can't even call Vermins or Magical Beasts that way.

There are ways to create corpses like Polymorph Any Object or Stone to Flesh (as the user "fectin" pointed out) but my DM will very likely refuse to animate those. "Sympathy" is awesome! (thanks "Hey I Can Chan" !) But open to interpretation.

Any other creative ways to get powerful corpses or call mighty creatures that we can kill then raise ? Any metamagic or traits that would allow Call Annimal to work on Vermins or such ? Any Druid/Cleric/Obscure class spells that I could pay an NPC to cast for me ?

My DM considers that Called outsiders doesn't leave a corpse behind but are banished for X hundred years. So Planar Ally can't help here.

Edit :
After checking with my DM. The only method listed here that he accepted is the "Vermin Heart Feat" that allows Call Annimal to call vermins as well. Doesn't cover all kind of magical beasts, but enough to make very cool zombies !
Another method he hinted would work is the "Dominate" spell.

Best Answer

It isn't metamagic, and you'd need access to the Wild Empathy class feature, but if you could get your hands on the Vermin Heart feat it allows you to affect vermin with spells that can normally only affect animals.

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