[RPG] Awarding Experience for out-of-game activities, bias towards players with more time, how to fix


I decided to reward players with extra experience if they wrote summaries of the game sessions in between our meetings.

Some players have the extra time to do this, and some don't.

What ends up happening is that about half the players consistently get a boost of experience every gaming session, while the other half does not.

I still want players to write summaries. Rewarding them with in-game experience was the method I thought of, but now I think this is not so good as it causes disparity between players. How can I balance this out, while still keeping the incentive?

Best Answer

I know of two approaches to resolving this issue.

  1. Give everyone the experience: Instead of giving a player XP if they write a summary, give every player XP for each player that writes a summary. This keeps the footing level for all the characters, but also encourages players to write summaries (and to harass the rest of the party about writing summaries). You might even give an additional bonus to the party if all of them write summaries (something more special than yet another dollop of XP would probably work best).

  2. Give some other reward: The problem with experience is that, like DDT in fish & birds, it accumulates over time. You could instead offer some kind of reward that doesn't accumulate in the same way. You might offer action points (in a system that supports them), or "plot coupons" which allow their bearer to dictate one non-trivial aspect of the story (as long as it doesn't ruin stuff). You might even (depending on group dynamics; this would be a huge no-no for some groups) raffle off an exemption to contributing to snacks/drinks at the next session among those who write a summary.

Note that you can also combine the two approaches. When a player writes a summary, give the whole group some XP, but also give some other reward to that specific player. This combines the group-wide incentives of option 1 with the earned rewards of option 2.