[RPG] benefit from a feat effect while polymorphed


If I have polymorphed into a creature can I use the effects of my feats? For example:

  1. If I have Alert do I still get a plus 5 to initiative?

  2. If I have the Grappler feat can I still pin a creature that I have

  3. If I have Tough does my polymorphed form gain the extra hit points?

Best Answer

You don't get feats while polymorphed

Polymorph says:

This spell transforms a creature that you can see within range into a new form. [...]

The target's game statistics, including mental ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast. It retains its alignment and personality.

Feats are part of a creature's game statistics (in fact, most of the time they are class features). As such, they are replaced with the creature's statics when you transform into the new creature. See this question for more details on what "game statistics" means.

Thus, none of your feats have any effect while in polymorph form.

The rule of thumb when you transform is that if it's not on the new form's stat block, you don't get it in that form.

Or as Jeremy Crawford has said:

You're playing with the stat block, not your character sheet. Set the latter aside.