[RPG] Best way to use a GM Screen nowadays


This may just be me but I like the feel of having an old school GM/DM screen up. However, between laptops, mountains of books, and more frequently having to see the battle layout, I find that within an hour or so the GM screen gets laid down and largely ignored.

Have you found a use for the GM screen in the modern table top world, and if so, how do you use it effectively?

Best Answer

I find GM screens put important tables front and center for reference. When a GM becomes familiar with the tables, so then does the GM screen fall. Thus GM screens are often more question of GMing style and mastery of the rule set being played.

To some, GM screens are a symbol of authority and must be "torn down."

As smartphones and tablets augment play more and more, I have found secret rolls can be made silently on these devices and not behind a screen.

Play style, and table dynamics, will often dictate the use of a screen, as you have found out.