Vampire: The Masquerade – Can a Camarilla Character Take a Sabbat Nature?


I am playing Vampire the Masquerade and want to create a Tremere Vampire that is quite playful but with much darker undertones. I had considered taking the "sadist" personality as my nature, but it is only in the Sabbat book. From a role playing perspective, is there anything wrong with doing this?

Best Answer

There is no such thing as Camarilla or Sabbat Nature.

Or, to be really formal, there is no such thing as Camarilla or Sabbat archetype (which can be then used as one's Nature or Demeanor). In fact, the very definition of Nature, being your character's hidden true predisposition, suggests you can have whatever Nature you can imagine. I recall the core rulebook has Monster as one of the archetypes, then why not Sadist?

You can totally take any Nature and Demeanor you like, if you are not worried about the consequences.

You might be slightly more cautious about your Demeanor, which is defined as your pose, behaviour assumed in presence of others. Being a Sadist might reflect badly on you, and might draw some stares from vampires especially interested in upholding the Masquerade.

Your Nature and Demeanor might conflict with requirements of preserving your Humanity.

What actually differs between the sects is Humanity/Paths divide. As a general rule you need to follow Humanity as a Camarilla vampire, otherwise you are considered a dangerous beast and you are put down, unless you can hide it well. In Sabbat Humanity is despised and Paths embraced. That's why Camarilla vampires have standard Virtues statblock (Courage/Conscience/Self-control) while Sabbat's have the bestial Virtues (Courage/Conviction/Instinct).