[RPG] Can a creature swap places with another willing creature on their turn


I understand that a creature can move through the space of another willing creature on their turn, but may not stop there. Is it possible to swap places with an adjacent and willing creature and, if so, does this count against the movement for the swapped creature's next turn?

To illustrate:

A = PC1 - it is this creature's turn,
B = PC2,
C = Enemy Creature,
X = Occupied Space

 ABC X  ->   BAC X

Is the above movement legal, and does it count towards B's movement on its next turn?

Best Answer

Yes, with a readied action.

If B readied an action to move away when A entered his space–a perceivable condition–they would effectively swap places on A's initiative. This seems to be allowed by RAW, as neither player ends any movement in another's square, if the movements are resolved simultaneously. If movement is not resolved simultaneously, it should still be possible, with some fancy footwork, and a different trigger for B's Ready–that A begins to move.

Both options cost B's action on his own turn, however.