[RPG] Can a Druid understand a new form’s languages only while Wildshaped into it


One of my players' characters, a Circle of the Moon druid (PHB, p. 69), recently got to level 6; she can now use Wild Shape to turn into a Giant Elk.

The description of the giant elk says that it can understand certain languages (including Sylvan and Elvish) but can't speak them.

She can only understand them while Wildshape is active, right?

Best Answer

The answer will lie in whether a Language counts as a Skill Proficiency.

Wild Shape

Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the beast, but you retain your alignment, personality, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You also retain all of your skill and saving throw proficiencies, in addition to gaining those of the creature. If the creature has the same proficiency as you and the bonus in its stat block is higher than yours, use the creature’s bonus instead of yours. If the creature has any legendary or lair actions, you can't use them.

You can’t cast spells, and your ability to speak or take any action that requires hands is limited to the capabilities of your beast form. Transforming doesn’t break your concentration on a spell you’ve already cast, however, or prevent you from taking actions that are part of a spell, such as call lightning, that you’ve already cast.

As DM, I do consider Language as a Skill Proficiency, and so your original Language Proficiencies are retained, in addition to gaining those of the creature's. You know your base languages, as well as the creature's, while in Wild Shape.

If the DM does not consider Language a Skill Proficiency, then the Wild-Shaped Druid can speak and understand only the Beast Form's known languages because her game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the beast, with several exceptions that do not include languages, and part of a stat block is an entry for Languages. In fact, from this point-of-view, her party mates will not be able to communicate with her except thru the Animal Handling skill while she is in Wild Shape.

Take note that in either case, a Beast Form is usually unable to speak Humanoid languages because of the structure of their vocal organs (e.g. tongue, mouth, etc.). Also, once the Wild Shape goes away, you revert to your original game-statistics, which no longer include the Beast Form's languages. So, it is safe to say that the question of the Beast Form's languages lies only within the time frame of the active Wild Shape. ;)