[RPG] Can a Familiar aid a Rogue’s Sneak Attack


A Rogue character with the Arcane Trickster archetype chooses Find Familiar as her non-enchantment, non-illusion, 1st level spell. How does that creature interact with the Sneak Attack feature?

From the PHB:

A familiar can’t attack, but it can take other actions as normal.

One of those actions is Help:

you can aid a friendly creature in attacking a creature within 5 feet of you. You feint, distract the target, or in some other way team up to make your ally’s attack more effective. If your ally attacks the target before your next turn, the first attack roll is made with advantage.

So, can a Familiar give it's master an Advantage to her first attack, which would give her the chance of a Sneak Attack?

The Sneak Attack feature also says:

You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.

Can the Familiar's presence 5ft. from the target grant Sneak Attacks every round, or is it not considered an enemy because it can't attack?

I can't find any rule that says it can't, am I missing something?

Best Answer

Yes, the familiar can grant advantage with the Help action, and its presence adjacent to an enemy can allow sneak attacks. Bear in mind, though, that most familiars have extremely low health and AC, and will likely die in a single hit, requiring 10g and at least 1 hour to resummon.