[RPG] Can a melee opportunity attack be taken with a ranged weapon


The following situation happened during a game:

A player was granted a free basic melee attack, so of course the player was intending to do as much damage as possible. Which in his case was using his bow, instead of a dagger. A bow however is ranged, but since his opponent was adjacent I allowed it (because he is in melee range right?). Was this correct according to the rules D&D 4e?

Another thought that occurred to me afterwards was that if he had his bow equipped, he could not really make a free melee (dagger) attack anyway. Does a PC have to skip the free attack if he is not able to execute it? (Or would get a free weapon swap in this situation?)

Best Answer

If a power specifically calls for a melee basic attack, the player may only make a melee basic attack

Basic Attack

When a power or other effect allows a creature to make a basic attack, the creature can make either a melee basic attack or a ranged basic attack. If the power or other effect specifically calls for a melee basic attack or a ranged basic attack, the creature must use that type.

Published in Player's Handbook, page(s) 287, Rules Compendium, page(s) 238. D&D Insider Compendium

If the player was wielding a longbow, they would not be able to use it for a melee basic attack.

A melee basic attack is defined as using a melee weapon, not a ranged weapon. How far a weapon can attack (range) has no bearing on whether or not the weapon is a melee weapon or a ranged weapon, think about reach melee weapons. The longbow is only a ranged weapon. Some weapons are both melee and ranged (particularly thrown weapons), but this is not the case for your player.

The player could have made an MBA, but not a great one

In the situation you describe if the player wished to take advantage of the MBA, the could make an improvised weapon attack using their bow...

Weapon Prof. Damage Range Weight Prop. Group

One-handed — 1d4 — 5 lb. or less — None or unarmed

Two-handed — 1d8 — 6 lb. or more — —

Which version of the attack you would be making is DM's discretion.

In 4e powers do exactly what they say, no more, less

If a player is granted an MBA by a power, he may only use that to make an MBA, the player cannot take alternate actions. Likewise unless a power said, save this attack for later or something like that you can't save up an MBA to use when you want to/are able to.