[RPG] Can a multiclassed artificer/rogue use Sneak Attack with spells that use a ranged weapon as a spellcasting focus


So, according to a tweet by Jeremy Crawford, it is possible to Sneak Attack with a magic stone when using a sling, even though it is a ranged spell attack.

That got me thinking: if an artificer imbues an infusion into a ranged weapon (let's say the Repeating Shot infusion on a hand crossbow, though any infusion on any ranged weapon should work), they can use that weapon as a spellcasting focus when casting artificer spells.

If they use such a spellcasting focus to cast an artificer spell that makes an attack (for instance, fire bolt), would that count as "making an attack using a ranged weapon" for the purposes of features like a rogue's Sneak Attack?

Best Answer

A spell can involve attacks, but the casting of a spell is not itself an attack. Therefore, Sneak Attack doesn't activate

Sneak Attack states (emphasis mine):

[...] Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. [...]

If you use a ranged weapon as a spellcasting focus to cast something like fire bolt, the attack isn't using that weapon, the spell is. Because the attack itself is not using a ranged or finesse weapon, you cannot benefit from Sneak Attack.