[RPG] Can a multiclassed barbarian/cleric use their Channel Divinity while raging


My question has to do with a multiclass of Barbarian and Cleric. If you have the necessary levels of both classes, can you use your Channel Divinity while you are raging?

The barbarian's Rage feature states:

If you are able to cast spells, you can't cast them or concentrate on them while raging

Channel Divinity doesn't state that it is a spell, just an action, as seen in the Life Domain cleric's Preserve Life option:

As an action, you present your holy symbol and evoke healing energy that can restore a number of hit points points equal to five times your cleric level.

Can a multiclassed barbarian/cleric use their Channel Divinity while raging?

Best Answer

Yes, they can use a Channel Divinity option while raging.

As you've noted, Channel Divinity is not a spell. Rage only prevents casting a spell or concentrating on one. As such, raging does not prevent you from using your Channel Divinity in any way...

But keep in mind that your rage will end "if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then" - so if you haven't already gotten hit (and taken damage) since your last turn ended, a Channel Divinity option that uses up your action may not be the best use of your action.