[RPG] Can a player character use the Misty Step spell to bring another character or creature with them when they teleport


I am an Eladrin elf and have the ability to use the misty step spell to teleport with my clothing and items.

However, can I grapple a party member (or NPC or other creature) and use the misty step spell to bring them with me when I teleport? Would they have to be willing?

Best Answer

If we look at the Range section of the PHB we see this:

Spells, such as the shield spell, affect only you. These spells have a range of self. (PHB pg. 203).

Misty Step has a range of "Self" (PHB pg. 260).

Since the range of Misty Step is self it only affects you and any belongings on your person.

In conclusion - NO, as cool as it would be to do so, Misty step's range limits you to only teleporting yourself not other creatures (willing or no).

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