[RPG] Can a Ranger learn spells outside the Ranger spell list


I'm playing a Ranger in a Pathfinder campaign. I've been looking over the spell lists, and I'm a bit miffed as to just what spells a Ranger can use – is it limited to only using the Ranger spells list?

If the Ranger can use other spells, how does it "learn" them? Can the Ranger keep spells not included in the Ranger spells list in a spellbook?

Best Answer

No, it is only spells listed on the Ranger spell list. A Ranger typically learns these spells in a manner similar to druids in that they are essentially communing with nature to gain influence over it.

A Ranger's spell list is limited because casting spells is not their forte. They are first and foremost warriors and trackers. The spellcasting is secondary to their nature and mission.

In order to learn any other spells, you would have to take class levels in some other spellcaster class.