DND-5e Spells – Can an Arcane Trickster Use a Spell Scroll from the Wizard List?


Basically, we have a haste scroll, 2 warlocks, a druid, a cleric, and me, an arcane trickster.

To use the spell scroll it must be on your spell list. The arcane trickster gets his spells from the wizard spell list. Nobody else has haste on their spell list and I can't cast 3rd level spells…yet. Potentially, I can choose haste as a spell at a higher level.

Does this count as being part of my spell list for the purpose of attempting to use the spell scroll? If so, would I cast it by making an ability check with my spell casting ability, as per the rules of casting a spell from a spell scroll that is on your spell list but is of a higher level than you can cast?

Best Answer

Yes; the ruling is now official and explicit from Sage Advice

As Dale M's previously-accepted answer said, the PHB rules for the Arcane Trickster imply that its class spell list is the Wizard's spell list.

This was made explicit in the official Sage Advice, which says:

For you to meet a spell scroll’s requirement, the spell on the scroll needs to be on whatever spell list is used by your class. Here are two examples. If you’re a cleric, the spell must be on the cleric spell list, and if you’re a fighter with the Eldritch Knight archetype, the spell must be on the wizard spell list, because that is the spell list used by your class.

From the example of a Eldritch Knight, we know that there is no class list of spells for the fighter class, but the class list for a fighter that becomes an Eldritch Knight is the wizard class list. We can conclude that there is no class spell list for rogues, but a rogue that becomes an Arcane Trickster has the wizard spell list, "because that is the spell list used by your class."

Thus an Arcane Trickster can use spell scrolls of spells that are on the Wizard spell list.

Thanks to InternetHobo who encouraged Rubiksmoose to cite the SA Compendium in their answer.