[RPG] Can an armblade require double attunement if it integrates a magic weapon that normally requires attunement


I'm pretty new to D&D, and right now I'm trying to make a character starting at a higher level for a campaign. The DM is allowing us to start with some magical items of our choice.

Using the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron, I decided to make a Warforged. The Warforged race has a few exclusive magical items, one of which is the armblade.

The "Magic Armblades" sidebar (from the original version of Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron, as it appears in UA: Magic Items of Eberron) says:

An armblade isn’t inherently considered to be a magic weapon for purposes of overcoming damage resistance. However, any sort of magical melee weapon could be created as an armblade, so you could acquire a vicious armblade or a vorpal armblade.

However, as the armblade already requires attunement, if I make a magical weapon that already requires attunement as an armblade, does the resulting weapon require double attunement?

Best Answer

No, attunement is attunement

An item can either require attunement or not. The armblade requiring attunement simply means the weapon requires attunement (as in attaching it to yourself) even if the normal variant of the magical weapon doesn't.

Specifically for the "number of attunements", the restriction is on the number of magical items not the number of attunement, as per the DMG (p. 138):

An item can be attuned to only one creature at a time and a creature can be attuned to no more than three magic items at a time.