[RPG] Can Black/Red Dragons talk in Pathfinder


In the Pathfinder Beginner's Box Gamemaster guide, it states that Reefclaws can understand language, but can't talk.

I can't find anything in particular in the Gamemaster Guide that explicitly states that Black/Red dragons can or can't talk.

Since it would help for characterisation for RP and massively impact a story; canonically, can dragons talk?

Best Answer

Yes, red and black dragons can talk.

Their monster stat block has the Language entry.

Languages Common, Draconic

This line, unless otherwise stated, indicates which languages the creature can speak. (see reference).

Languages: The languages most commonly spoken by the creature are listed here. For unusual creatures, you can swap out the languages known for other choices as needed. A creature with a higher-than-normal Intelligence score receives the appropriate number of bonus languages.

Reefclaws are a specified exception to this rule.

Languages Common (can't speak)