[RPG] Can creatures use the Attack action without attacking


Suppose a creature gets some benefits when they take the Attack action. For example, the Horizon Walker ranger's Distant Strike lets them teleport at will, but only when they take the Attack action.

Could a creature take the Attack action and gain those benefits, without making attack rolls or otherwise targeting a creature (e.g. grappling and shoving)?

Could they "attack" an empty space, as though trying to hit an unseen enemy (even if they don't suspect an enemy is there)?

Note that I am asking about the general case, whether any and/or all creatures can do this, regardless of class or special features.

Inspired by this question: Can a Ranger Use Distant Strike to Pass Through Forcecage?

Best Answer


You do not have to target a creature when using the Attack Action.

From the Making an Attack section in the PHB:

  1. Choose a target. Pick a target within your attack's range: a creature, an object, or a location.

So you can take the Attack action, teleport and then attack the air in front of you (location).

As for Horizon Walker specifically, if you did that you would not get the third attack since that part specifically mentions creatures.

If you attack at least two different creatures with the action, you can make one additional attack with it against a third creature.