[RPG] Can Disguise Self be use to change the appearance of your race or sex


Can the first level spell Disguise Self be use to change the appearance of your race or sex?

Can a elf look more human, or can a boy look more like a girl?

The spell specifies that it can change the appearance of height and weight, but are other visual or facial features affected?

If no, then I assume you always look like a slightly shorter /taller / fatter / skinnier version of yourself including eyes / hair, etc.

Best Answer


You can’t change your body type, so you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs. Otherwise, the extent of the illusion is up to you.

This seems to indicate that as long as the new apparent form is within the given parameters, thus humanoid unless you are running something weird in your games, an elf can appear as a human or orc or vice versa. Gnome to Halfling or Goblin etc.