[RPG] Can evil beings be found in the Feywild, and good ones in the Shadowfell


The Feywild and Shadowfell are planes parallel to the Prime material plane. Though they are usually depicted as good and evil planes respectively, is there evil that resides in the Feywild, or good that resides in the Shadowfell?

Best Answer

Though the Feywild might generally be depicted as a wondrous place full of life and vibrant colours while the Shadowfell a dark, dismal place of shadow and death, this hardly means they are (meant to be) inherently good and evil.

The TL;DR version is simply that evil certainly resides in the Feywild and good certainly resides in the Shadowfell.

The Feywild

The Feywild is home to many malevolent and typically evil beings. Hags, goblins, orges, giants, werewolves, blights... You name it. The 4e Heroes of the Feywild (HotF) suppliment even states:

These villains can be as fundamentally evil as devils or demon lords, and they wield powers of comparable might.

While there may not be a lot of information about the Feywild in 5e there is:

Seelie and Unseelie Fey.

[...] Seelie and unseelie do not directly correlate with good and evil, though many mortals make that equation. Many seelie fey are good, and many unseelie are evil...

There's plenty of evidence that can be found in the 4e books Manual of the Planes and HotF and the 5e DMG to suggest that the Feywild is certainly not full of only good creatures.

The Shadowfell

There seems to be less direct evidence that there's good in the Shadowfell but one quote in 4e's The Shadowfell - Gloomwrought and Beyond, I think, strongly suggests that even the Shadowfell is not entirely full of evil beings.

The Shadowfell is not inherently evil, but evil creatures are strong and plentiful there.

Evil may be abundant but it is never stated that only evil beings ever reside in the Shadowfell.

The Manual of the Planes also states:

For all the Shadowfell’s dismal reputation, it does have bright spots where those who fight against the malaise and the chill live almost ordinary lives. In fact, for many visitors to the Shadowfell, the plane has more in common with the natural world than it has differences.

Much like the natural world there is both good and evil.

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