D&D 5E Grapple – Can it Prevent Plane Shift?


If Grapple can prevent Plane shift, who needs to be grappled, and where on their body?

As I understand the rules, denying a caster the use of BOTH arms would DEFINITELY prevent casting plane shift or any other spell with a somatic component (also, the caster can't grab a material component they aren't already holding). Can a grapple prevent a caster from using one or more arms?

If a spell requires a somatic component, the caster must have free use
of at least one hand to perform these gestures.

Casting some spells requires particular objects…

A spellcaster must have a hand free to access these components, but it
can be the same hand that he or she uses to perform somatic
components. (PHB p.203)

The spell Plane Shift has some additional requirements, though:

You and up to eight willing creatures who link hands in a circle are transported to a different plane of existence. (PHB p. 266)

Those are some specific targeting requirements! I can think of three additional ways that the Grappled status might cause problems: Zeroed movement, mis-identified targets, and precluded hand-holding.

Zeroed Movement

As I understand the rules, the fact that a grappled creature "can't move" does NOT prevent transport to another plane. See Does the Blink spell break grapples?

Misidentified Targets

The targeting requirements of plane shift looks for grasping hands. The Grappled status involves the grappler's hand grasping the grappled target. Will plane shift attempt to target a creature that grapples either the caster or one of the creatures in the hand-holding circle?

Precluded Hand-Holding

The Grapple rules don't dictate what body part the grappler grabs. If the plane shift caster or one of the spell's intended targets has one of its arms grappled, though, it seems likely that it will not be able to comply with the requirement that all plane shift targets be holding hands. By the RAW, can/will a plane shift fail if the caster or one of the circle targets has either of its arms/hands grappled?

Best Answer

The Grappled condition and the Grappling subsystem don't restrict the use of arms

It doesn't matter how many people you have grappling a target, the target will always be able to use their somatic components. If you want a system to model grappling as physically restraining an opponent's limbs, you'll need to develop one. 5e doesn't provide anything there. Since you can't grapple a limb, there's no situation where you'd need to figure out if it interferes with hand-holding, and no rules are provided.

Spells target whoever the caster wants them to target

The spell does require a caster to target a circle of willing creatures, but the caster, as usual, chooses what valid target to select for spellcasting. 5e does not have any system in place to make the players of spellcasters unable to choose the targets they'd like to select from the information at hand. A caster could choose a circle that included a grappling opponent, if they wanted to and the grappler was willing and the GM ruled they had linked hands properly, but they could also choose a circle without said grappler as long as it's a valid circle. The caster, not the spell, chooses the target.

Basically, grappling is not at all an effective way of shutting down spellcasting of any kind, least of all teleportation effects (including Plane Shift). Even if you take the Grappler feat so you can retrain an opponent and even if you also have Mage Slayer and have taken the three rounds worth of actions it takes to grapple a mage, shove them prone, and restrain them, they can still totally Plane Shift away no problem. You can't even hit them with your attack of opportunity, unless they decided to take you along for the ride (you get the attack after the spell happens).

Worst of all, with Plane Shift in particular, the spellcaster can, if they like, cast the spell on you instead, which will kill you if they succeed at a melee spell attack (that they make without advantage or disadvantage if they are restrained, since you are also restrained), since you will then find yourself in a random location on the Deadly Plane of Death and Very Slow Time with no way to return unless you also know Plane Shift.

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