[RPG] Can Legendary Actions be used after a dead creature’s turn


If a monster has Legendary Actions, can it use one at the end of a dead creature's turn? And would it matter if the dead creature is an ally of the monster or a PC?

Relevant section from the Monster Manual:

A legendary creature can take a certain number of special actions —
called legendary actions — outside its turn. Only one legendary action
option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s
turn. A legendary creature regains spent legendary actions at the
start of its turn. It can forgo using them, and it can’t use them
while incapacitated or otherwise unable to take actions. If surprised,
it can’t use them until after its first turn in the combat.

Best Answer

No. A dead creature has no turn.

A round represents about 6 seconds in the game world. During a round, each participant in a battle takes a turn.

(PHB 189)

If you are dead, you are not participating in the battle. A PC who has failed all death saving throws is dead and is effectively removed from battle. Any NPC's or enemies killed are likewise taken from the battle. They do not have any position in the turn order and cannot take actions/turns unless brought back to life, in which case, the Legendary Action can definitely be utilized.

Note: Dead is not the same as "Undead" which is a type of creature.