[RPG] Can level 1 characters use Healing Surges since they only have 1 Hit Die


In the DMG there is the optional rule on pg.266-267 for healing surges. Part of the text says

As an action, a character can use a healing surge and spend up to half
his or her Hit Dice.

So what would you do as a DM for level 1 characters – because they only have 1 hit dice?

Seems to me this would be more needed at level 1 than any other level – but with the round down rules 1/2 == 0.

Best Answer

They can't, but it's probably a mistake

You're correct that a level 1 character has 1 hit die and since Healing Surge lets them use half, rounded down, it doesn't do anything for them.

That said, there was an identical issue with recovering hit dice that was corrected once it was pointed out. I expect that the intent is for there to be a minimum of 1 hit die for healing surge as well.