[RPG] Can PCs gain XP from “defeating” an enethe who actually just used Feign Death


I have a NPC who, when is about to be killed, uses Feign Death just before it is killed. As the point is to trick the players, do they gain XP for its death or not? And if so, the full amount or less?

Best Answer

Yes. Your players should gain the XP for the encounter.

From the "Beyond First Level" section of Players Basic:

As your character goes on adventures and overcomes challenges, he or she gains experience, represented by experience points. A character who reaches a specified experience point total advances in capability. (Players Basic p10)

XP is granted not for killing things, but for overcoming challenges. Thus, whether your PCs kill their opponents or not, they should get the XP for each encounter they beat, no matter how they beat it.

Something else that you may want to consider (and I've thought of it as I've pondered this question this afternoon), it's better for the story (as well as right by the rules) for you to grant XP for this encounter. That's because if you didn't and told your PCs that the villain wasn't dead, you rob him of the element of surprise when they show back up, which is a great time for your villain to then reveal the spell use himself.