[RPG] Can player characters pick monster feats


Some of my player characters have a race from a template but without monster hit dice (like half-orc) and others have a race from a template with monster hit dice (like ogre). Now in the back of Monster Manual I there are some monster feats, like Awesome Blow. It says these are available to monsters so I guess the half-orc character cannot select these, but what about the ogre character? It does have monster hit dice after all.

Best Answer

The Monster Manual feats aren't limited to monsters

A feat can be taken by any creature that qualifies for the feat based on the feat's type (for example, the most common type of feat is general, but the Player's Handbook also includes the feat types item creation and metamagic) and that meets the feat's prerequisites and that fulfills any conditions explained in the feat's description, benefit, special, or note (if any).

So, while the Monster Manual feats are "typically used only by monsters" (MM 303), if a PC meets the requirements for taking such feats, nothing technically prevents the PC from taking feats from the Monster Manual.

The DM can always say No

If the DM—for whatever reason—doesn't want a feat in the campaign, the DM can make a house rule saying that feat is excluded from the campaign. As an aside, while it's usually easier to say, "No feats from this book," it's often better to ask a player's plan for his character instead then assess feat choices individually. Usually, a particular book has a mix of strong and weak feats, and banning a book means eliminating both reasonable and unreasonable choices.

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