In the Player's Handbook there are multiple spells that can bring a creature back to life. Resurrection, revivify (p272), and true resurrection (284) each have a clause that say that they don't work on a creature that died due to old age.
However, neither raise dead (270) nor reincarnate (271) list any such restriction. Does this mean that these two spells can restore life to creatures that have died of old age? In the case of raise dead what's the ultimate result?
Best Answer
As you rightly say, those spells contain no such restriction on bringing back a creature who has died of old age.
In the case of Raise Dead, the creature retains their original body and their original age. Therefore they are at risk of dying of old age again in the near future. The exact methods of determining how and when a creature dies of old age are up to the DM.
In the case of Reincarnate, the creature has a fresh body created for them which is "adult". They are not in danger of dying from old age again in the near future.