[RPG] Can siblings be different metatypes in SR5


(This question has been heavily edited from its original version, please view the revision history if an answer or comment doesn't make sense.)

I can only think of two ways this could happen in Shadowrun, and I'm not certain either of them apply in canon. In earlier editions of Shadowrun, when goblinization was still reasonably common, a child could change metatypes during their childhood or adolescence or be born a different race than its parents. The problem is that the Fifth Edition books give no real indication that this still occurs spontaneously – but it doesn't specifically say it doesn't, either, so I'm looking for other guidance, maybe from less recent books or non-rulebook novels and such.

The other way is if mixed parents could produce children from either parents' metatype. If that was ever in canon, it should still be valid, but I'm not familiar with every edition of Shadowrun (and 5e is the first one I've gotten anything but the corebook for), so memory will not serve to answer that question for me.

Can it be done without significantly bending canon, and if so, how?

Best Answer

Supposing that the "started turning into the creatures" part you quoted is from p.50, I'd like to draw your attention the specific mentioning of Goblinization in the introductory part of the book:

Then, in 2021 (...) That’s when Goblinization struck. And it was not pretty. Where UGE had created interesting-looking newborns, Goblinization struck people of all ages. The most noticeable symptom was blinding, mind-numbing agony that came in waves. This lasted twelve to seventy-two hours while the victims changed shape, grew tusks and/or sprouted horns, and maybe quadrupled their body mass. Which is how the orks and trolls came back.

Shadowrun 5th edition core, p. 20

So I think yes, Goblinization is still there as it used to be in earlier editions which you can, in my opinion, consider semi-canon: as long as something is not mentioned in SR5 or is not invalidated by what SR5 says, it's canon, though you'd of course have to keep an eye out for changes presented in later and upcoming publications as well, not just the Core... if you wanted canon.

As for your backstory, let me give you a slightly elusive answer (besides noting that as far as I can remember yes, people can undergo the change later, though that's quite rare these days, and yes, you can have a sibling from a different metatype) : Ask your GM. Seriously. There are always anomalies (people born with two heads and so on), there are rare and unique stories (that make them even more interesting), and you're playing a PC whose story is indeed supposed to be rare and very interesting.

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