[RPG] Can Summoned Monsters have their own initiative


The spell description for summon monster includes this line:
"It appears where you designate and acts immediately, on your turn."

This means that the summons would act on the summoners initiative count… that turn. What about in subsequent turns?

A Summoner's (the class) monsters last minutes / level, instead of rounds, and thus are more likely to stick around for multiple battles. Would they continue to act on the Summoner's turn, or roll for their own initiative?

Additionally, the "Mighty Summons" mythic feat can grant the "Agile template" to a creature, which gives it "Dual Initiative", which seems to demand that a summoned creature gets its own initiative, independent of the Summoner's, even during the battle in which it was summoned.

Best Answer

While a summoned monster does initially act on the turn of the person summoning, it has its own initiative track. If later it delays its action, or uses a spell or ability that changes its initiative, its initiative changes to a different count than the summoner's (or vice versa).

The rule you're quoting only says that it gets to act on the turn it was summoned, on the same initiative as the summoner, not that their initiative can't change individually later on.