[RPG] Can the spell Silent Image be used to change your face


I am starting a new game in Pathfinder. I will be a 5th level Magus Drow Noble. He will be a chaotic good character who escaped his city and is trying to do good in the world.

My problem is that most people and races view Drow as evil. So, until I am able to build a reputation for myself I want to protect myself in any way possible from getting into needless fights. I know disguise self would do exactly what I am looking for but the problem is that it lasts a limited time. But, the spell Silent Image can last as long as you can keep concentrating on it. Which is fine if im going through a city or town.

My question is:

Can I use Silent Image to change my face and make the illusion move with my facial expressions and my mouth move when I speak? Or is this too complex for the spell?

Best Answer

A face can't be changed with silent image, but other options exist

Because the spell silent image is in the figment subschool of school of illusion, the spell "cannot make something seem to be something else." An illusion spell of glamer subschool like the spell disguise self, for example, can make a drow's face appear to be a different face, as spells of that subschool can make things "look, feel, taste, smell, or sound like something else."

However, the Disguise skill is usable untrained, and the drow's friends—if he has any—can aid him on the check… or, if a friend is more capable than the drow, the friend can make the Disguise skill check on the drow's behalf, disguising the drow. With enough friends—and the GM's permission—the drow should be able to roam the town unhindered until some high-level watchman with a super-high Perception modifier penetrates the disguise anyway. A disguise created by the Disguise skill has the added advantage of not being magical, so the spell detect magic won't reveal it, the spell dispel magic won't collapse it, and the spell true seeing won't penetrate it.

Also, as a level 5 PC—if this avenue is really important—, the drow could invest 1,800 gp of his 10,500 gp PC wealth in a hat of disguise. Just make sure the command word is utterly mundane so the drow doesn't look like a weirdo when he must reactivate the hat every 10 min.

Finally, confirm with the GM that in the GM's campaign that drow are still feared and hated. In many settings, drow are just different elves, and folks won't, like, kill them on sight or anything.