[RPG] Can the spirits in the spell Spirit Guardians see in the fog or dark


My party is about to enter a room full of enemies so I cast Spirit Guardians on myself designating my party as friendly. Our druid casts fog cloud or our warlock casts magical darkness in the room then I proceed to move through the fog or darkness using dodge as my action hoping to damage the enemy with the spirits.

Will the spirits be able to ignore the fog or darkness since they are spirits or will it hinder their attacks? If it does hinder their attacks, how so?

Best Answer

Spirit Guardians works in darkness

Page 278 PHB:

"An affected creature's speed is halved in the area, and when the creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there..."

The spell only requires the affected creatures to be in the area, it says nothing of the creatures having to be visible. However, choosing which creatures aren't affected does required you to see them, so make sure to cast this before your party cast fog cloud.

Fluff vs Mechanics

The spirit part is simply "flavor" or "fluff" to the spell, its just lets you paint a picture in your head of how the spells looks like.

The mechanical part is how the spell interacts with the rules which in this case is the 15ft radius Wisdom save. So the spirits don't really "see" anything in a mechanical sense, they're just a thematic effect for the spell to reach its in-game effect.

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