[RPG] Can Thorn Whip be used to hang an enethe in combat


I am not sure how would I handle this, it was quite a surprise.

A party member was able to sneak above an enemy under a tree, successfully Thorn Whipped him under said tree from 20ft height, with advantage, even passed the additional roll of grabbing the enemy by the neck, and then jumped off the Thorn Whip hanging over the branch, effectively yanking the enemy's neck I assume.

I solved that by adding (weight / 25) damage to the attack of Thorn Whip, and then went by rules of choking (enemy goes unconscious after 1 + con mod turns) for as long as the player was able to hold on and keep up the weight on the "rope".

Did I take the right approach or are there rules I missed?

Best Answer

Thorn Whip normally cannot be used this way, due to its duration.

From what you described, the player character cast thorn whip to grab an enemy by the neck, and used gravity and a branch to hoist up their opponent, all while holding on to the whip.

However, as written, thorn whip has an instantaneous duration, which means there is no "holding on" to the spell. Once the whip has pulled the creature, the spell ends. The spell does not last long enough to strangle a creature or to be used as a climbing rope.

Going by the written rules, what should have happened was as follows:

  1. Character casts thorn whip, successfully attacks the enemy, causes piercing damage.
  2. The enemy is pulled 10 feet upwards. The game mechanics do not differentiate how they are pulled, whether by the neck or arm or leg, they are treated the same way.
  3. Thorn whip ends. Enemy falls 10 feet downward, which may result in falling damage.

As the other answers point out, you have discretion as DM over how things work in your games, so you can certainly allow creative use of spells and other features. Flexibility is generally an asset for DMs. Although be mindful with these rulings, as too much flexibility with the rules could eventually lead to issues with game balance or other disagreements between players.